Monday, April 27, 2009

Violence In North American Societys

There are many factors in North American soceity that lead up to violence .
One that comes to mind right away would be drugs and alchol. Our generation is becoming the people who abuse alchol and experiment way more with drugs. With the intake of these substances our bodies and minds are taken over. The need to fight becomes more of a threat. Whether it's to do with Money , relationships , or possesions . Ego's begin to flare , with alchol and drugs taken to extreme levels there is no way to make peace with a person . For they are now the drug , not themselves.
T.V and Film programming is not what it used to be. Instead of films about hobbies and interests , what people enjoy. Young adults would rather watch shows about shootings and violence. Multiple video games are being realised ie) Grand Theft Auto , teaching kid's how to steal from stores , steal cars , beat people up , and pick up "hookers" on the side of the street - then proceeding into an alley to kill them and take there money? This is not something I belive should be on the store shelves. Whats even worse is , people are actually buying this junk !It is a very scarey day and age when people chose this over good films. The media is constantly bringing out violence in kids with there video games and movies. Kids want to be like there favorite action character and with these games their teaching them how to do so.
Lastly , Jelously , people will always want what they can't have. No matter how great you raise a child , people will be people. If there are 100 wealthy people there will always be 200 poor people. Double the amount. There is no way to stop Violence , but there are ways to help it's rate lower. I think are violence rate is just as bad as it was when my parents were young , if not worse.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Friend Or Foe?

How would you feel if you had a friend who's always nagging on your every move , even when you do nothing negetive at all? If you had a first rate idea come to mind , and all of a sudden it's shot down by a figure who is apparent to be your best friend? If you were always happy go lucky and did your best to apprehend situations that were above your intelligence level - but still did your best , and all you got was a slap in the side of the head , and a demand to shut up? This is exactly what takes place in the slow moving novela ' Of Mice And Men ' by John Steinbeck.
Sit down and relax , grab a bowl of popcorn , and prepare to be bored to death in this short film about two companions who travel the world together and toil on various ranches in hopes of one day fufilling thier dreams. Add in a side of dull imagery , improper grammer , and a corny little tart and you've got you're self Tyler Ranch. When the two main character George Milton and Lennie Small dismount at the ranch they are quickly introduced to all of the not so friendly folks whom they will be spending the next little while with. George arrived at the ranch with his best friend , but after a short time , a foe would be the preferred word to describe how he feels for Lennie.
George has a mouthful to say to Lennie at all times . Hell , I wouldn't doubt if the bruises that appeared on Lennie's face was an outcome of an agrument with Geroge rather then Curley. Even though Lennie was a bit dense, all he wanted was a friend , After time something that George could not even offer. George Milton was brainwashed by all the other men to do away with Lennie ,ironically - just like what happened to Candys Dog. At the end of the film George has no problem getting the job done by shooting him in the back of the head. This is a enchanting example about what friendship really is , if your aggrivated with a friend , just shoot him right?....
If your ever having a day when your sick of one of your friends attitudes or the way they are treating you just invite them over for a evening flick , perhaps ' Of Mice And Men ' , I'm sure they will get the hint , or the fear that this could be them.

Friday, February 6, 2009

She's got powers...

'Hola por ahí, estoy hablando español con una traducción libre del sistema' To many of you what I just wrote makes completely no sense at all , and to be quite honest , I had a hard time understanding it as well. Thats's why if I was capable to have any super power , it would be the power of Omni-linguism. Omni-linguism is a very sparse super power . It's one that Cypher and Wonder Women have conquired , a power I could only dream of having. A few amount of humans are able to accomplish this power , half of our population does not even know what this eccentric power is. Omni-linguism is the capability of understanding any form of language. You may say , " There are many exceptional scientists and doctors who can do just that " already. However what about pig latin , tongue , the way of the cave man , or even double dutch. It could be the most un- common language ever , such as a secret speaking term with a close friend or family member. I desire to speak every and any language that our society is adapted to speak. If I had this power , my circle of friends and accuaintances would increase. I would be able to meet varietys of different types of people. I would even be able to learn alot more about my world. So If this possibilty came true It would have to be like I said , the power of Omni-linguism. In this reality world we live in superman can't always save everyone , cat women runs out of right answers and some buildings are to tall for spiderman , so for now i'll keep dreaming .