Monday, April 27, 2009

Violence In North American Societys

There are many factors in North American soceity that lead up to violence .
One that comes to mind right away would be drugs and alchol. Our generation is becoming the people who abuse alchol and experiment way more with drugs. With the intake of these substances our bodies and minds are taken over. The need to fight becomes more of a threat. Whether it's to do with Money , relationships , or possesions . Ego's begin to flare , with alchol and drugs taken to extreme levels there is no way to make peace with a person . For they are now the drug , not themselves.
T.V and Film programming is not what it used to be. Instead of films about hobbies and interests , what people enjoy. Young adults would rather watch shows about shootings and violence. Multiple video games are being realised ie) Grand Theft Auto , teaching kid's how to steal from stores , steal cars , beat people up , and pick up "hookers" on the side of the street - then proceeding into an alley to kill them and take there money? This is not something I belive should be on the store shelves. Whats even worse is , people are actually buying this junk !It is a very scarey day and age when people chose this over good films. The media is constantly bringing out violence in kids with there video games and movies. Kids want to be like there favorite action character and with these games their teaching them how to do so.
Lastly , Jelously , people will always want what they can't have. No matter how great you raise a child , people will be people. If there are 100 wealthy people there will always be 200 poor people. Double the amount. There is no way to stop Violence , but there are ways to help it's rate lower. I think are violence rate is just as bad as it was when my parents were young , if not worse.

1 comment:

  1. Very well written, realistic points, good idea with jealousy that is a huge factor these days.
